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Hi nice to meetcha, I'm Austyn Wiles

Favorite Games

Devil May Cry 3

Uncharted 2

Super Mario Galaxy

    Ever since I was a kid I've always loved video games and any adjacent media surrounding the subject. This love went so far as to base my undergrad capstone project around developing a mock game titled "Outer Evil", with a level made in Unreal Engine 4, a brief story synopsis, and accompanying marketing material.

    In my search for more information about the game industry, I came across the SMU Guildhall job fair and I realized this master's program was essential to achieve my long term goal of being a level designer that can create high quality experiences. 


    My interest/hobbies outside of video games include building Legos, reading manga like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, watching animated films like Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse, and traveling.


Posing for a mocap project
Van Gogh Experience
Me with my Outer Evil demo
Graduation walking
Group Presentation at SMU
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